Scientists Have No Idea Why Human Brain is Shrinking

Scientists have put forward numerous theories to explain why the human brain has been shrinking in size, at least that is what all scientists agree on.

Human brain has shrunk around 13% as compared to our ancestors that lived thousands of years ago.

Some scientists argue that our dependency on abstract symbols like language and signs are to blame, while others think the rise of complex civilizations and changing climate played a role in this. 

Language, Civilizations & Climate

Gerhardt Von Bonin, a German born scientist was of the view that as humans advanced further and further, they started to think more intuitively in contrast to their predecessors.

Such a style of thinking reduced our brain size because it started to function well as compared to larger brains.

The rise of complex societies in the form of empires and city states also dispersed human brain potential, hence decreasing its size, Jeremy DeSilva, an anthropologist at Dartmouth College in the US said in his 2021 study.

Some other scientists believe that as earth became more and more warmer, human brains tend to become smaller.

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