We Have Nuclear Weapons, Iranian Lawmaker Says in Interview

A member of the Iranian parliament has said in an interview that the country has nuclear weapons but wouldn’t announce it.

In an interview with Iranian outlets, Ahmad Bakhshayesh Ardestani said Iran possesses nuclear weapons, but it will only be used for defensive purposes in face of threats posed by Israel. 

Declaring The Status is Another Matter

The lawmaker said Iran wouldn’t announce the possession of nuclear weapons as it’ll cause uproar on international stage.

Ardestani justified Iran having nuclear weapons by saying the country was surrounded by rival countries, citing examples of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and Israel’s war in Gaza. 

Iran’s Nuclear Dilemma

The country has come under increasing scrutiny from International organizations who are barred from accessing key facilities in the country.

According to media reports, Iran will be able to create a nuclear bomb within months as it has already enriched Uranium to a dangerous level.

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