US is Outpacing China To Advance Use of AI in Fighter Jets

The United States Air Force is outpacing China by deploying artificial intelligence technology in fighter jets.

The significant milestone was achieved by the USAF Secretary of the Air Force Frank Kendall himself flew an AI powered fighter jet to compete with another F-16.

The dog fight showed strong resolve and commitment against the highly tech and advanced military force of the Chinese military, reports mentioned. 

AI Driver Fighter Jet

The  highly modified F-16 known as the X-62 Vista flew and landed successfully after an intense dog fight with a human piloted F-16 along the Bakersfield Nevada border.

The reason the AI-controlled jet had the Air Force’s top civilian in the front seat was simple, to send a message to China, who has already deployed AI in the warfare arena, Kendall told the AP.

The United States is actively competing with China in AI and its integration into weapon systems have raised concerns over the misuse of technology and its catastrophic impact.

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