Djokovic Greets Fans Wearing Helmet After Being Hit By Bottle

The Tennis star Novak Djokovic was seen wearing a cycle helmet after he was previously hit with a bottle to the head.

The fans burst into laughter when they saw Djokovic with a helmet saying “I came prepared”.

The tennis player was accidently hit with a heavy bottle when he was signing autographs after his victory in the Italian Open.

The 24-time Grand Slam champion later said he was fine and “resting at the hotel with an ice pack.”

Bottle Hit Djokovic Accidently

Djokovic actually tried to send a message to his fans that he knew what happened the other day was unintentional.

The security team initially thought the bottle was thrown intentionally but upon further investigation, they saw the bottle falling out of the bag on its own.

Djokovic immediately fell to the ground with his hands covering his hand as he was being assisted by his security.

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