Ukraine Arrests Suspects Behind President’s Assassination Attempt

The Ukrainian Secret Services have arrested two individuals for attempting to assassinate President Zelensky while working for Russia.

The Ukrainian security service or the SBU said in a statement that the two arrested were high ranking officials in the Ukrainian military who were working as agents for Russia. 

Suspects Are serving Colonels 

Both the suspects were serving as colonels in the Ukrainian armed forces but it was not revealed since when they were working for the Russian government.

The suspects were ready to execute their operation but they needed to confirm the location of Mr. Zelensky.

The goal was to infiltrate inside the President’s circle to extract information about his whereabouts and target him with drones and missiles. 

A Complete Failure

The operation turned out to be a complete failure as the arrests would lead to further arrests, eventually exposing the entire network.

Interrogation of one of the suspects revealed they were paid thousands of dollars every month for the operation.

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