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Japan Calls Out Joe Biden Over Xenophobic Remarks
The Japanese embassy in Washington said US President Joe Biden’s comments calling Japan a Xenophobic country were “unfortunate”.
The embassy said the remarks didn’t portray Japan in a positive light after Biden called out Japan over its immigration policies.
The White House later clarified that the president meant no offense but American commentators criticized him for calling allies as “Xenophobic”.
Inaccurate Comments
The Japanese embassy in Washington said that the remarks were not an accurate representation of Japan’s immigration policies.
“It is unfortunate that some of the comments were not based on an accurate understanding of Japan’s policies,” the statement mentioned
China Says Biden Has Mental Illness
On the other hand, the Chinese government didn’t respond to President Biden’s remarks.
However, a prominent columnist for China Daily, Chen Weihua wrote that Joe Biden was “obsessed with smearing China… It’s a serious mental disease,” he said.
For context, Joe Biden mentioned China, Japan, Russia and India as Xenophobic countries for having anti-immigrant policies.
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