Smashed Vehicles As Runaway Horses Smash Through London

It was an unexpected morning in London streets as two military horses smashed through the streets of London.

The two escapee military horses are now in serious condition after undergoing surgery, officials confirmed.

The incident occurred during rush hour, with the horses colliding with vehicles, causing four injuries to bystanders, reports mentioned.

Total Five Horses Were Involved

Defense Minister James Cartlidge stated that of the five horses involved, three are okay, but two are in a serious condition and are being closely monitored.

Videos shared on social media only showed two horses with one having blood.

The British army reported that four of the seven horses—named Vida, Trojan, Quaker, and Tennyson—escaped during the exercise in Belgravia. 

Witnesses Describe Chaos

Witnesses described the chaotic scene as “total mayhem” when they saw horses running down the streets of London.

Videos on social media captured the horses running through the streets, with one hitting a parked taxi and another crashing into a double-decker tour bus.

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