Trump’s Eldest Son Receives Threat Letter Containing White Powder

Emergency services responded immediately when a threat letter landed at the home of Donald John Trump Jr in Jupiter, Florida.

Donald John Trump Jr. opened a letter containing some white substance and a death threat written on a piece of paper.

Police in Jupiter said they were investigating the incident with the US Secret Services but they don’t have further details about the matter.

Substance Not Dangerous

As per the initial reports, the police noted that the white powder was not dangerous and there was nothing to worry about.

According to the Guardian, A person familiar with the matter said that the results of tests ruled out the lethality of the substance.

This is not the first time the junior Trump has received such a threatening letter.

John’s previous wife, Vanessa, was taken to a New York City hospital when she opened an envelope addressed meant for her husband that contained an unidentified white powder.

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