Cosmic Dust is Responsible For Life on Earth, Research Suggests

Scientists have presented different arguments for the existence of Life on Earth.

One theory, which is widely accepted, suggests that Life on Earth didn’t appear spontaneously; instead, it came to Earth via cosmic dust.

But a recent research study tries to answer much more profound questions regarding the transfer of Life from one place in the universe to another.

Cosmic Dust And Life

Life on Earth appeared at least 1 billion years after the formation of Earth.

The study’s sole author, Z.N. Osmanov, claims that cosmic dust could be responsible for spreading Life throughout the galaxy by panspermia, which is the export of Life from one planet to another via microorganisms.

This simply means that Life began elsewhere and was delivered to the newly formed planet Earth.

We Still Don’t Know

The interesting thing to note from Osmanov’s work is that he believes human beings are still ignorant about the origin of Life.

Some in the scientific community regard Osmanov’s work as funny because it has “a stubborn nugget of the unknown at the center,” “Sciencealert wrote.

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