Scientists Solve Mystery of Shipwreck Found Under 9/11 Ruins

Nine years after the tragic terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center, a shipwreck was found underneath the buildings.

The centuries-old ship was found when the construction work began in 2010.

Archaeologists started an investigation after the discovery, but an investigation soon found out the identity of the vessel.

The Ship Was Built in 1770

After years of investigation and digging, researchers found out that the ship was built in the 1770s, around the same time when the U.S. founding fathers announced the Declaration of Independence.

Researchers also determined that the type of oak used in the construction of the vessel came from Philadelphia.

Hudson River Sloop

Researchers identified the ship as a Hudson River sloop, one used by the Dutch to carry cargo and passengers over the Hudson River’s rocky floor.

The wood used in the construction was the same as that of Independence Hall, where the d U.S. Constitution was signed.

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