Russian Commander Who Led Ukraine Bombings Survives Assassination

A top Russian commander who led combing campaigns against Ukrainian civilians was shot in an attempted assassination attempt.

Ukraine’s military intelligence directorate said the commander, Major Oleg Stegachev, was directly involved in missile strikes on civilians in Ukraine.

According to initial reports, Stegachev has survived the assassination attempt, but his condition couldn’t be verified.

Stegachev Was Involved

According to Ukrainian military intelligence, Stegachev was involved in carrying out attacks against civilians.

Stegachev was stationed at the Engels air base when the gunshots seriously wounded him.

The commander was working with Tu-95 strategic bombers – used by the Russian air force to bomb civilian populations in Ukraine.

Engels-2 air base, where Stegachev was shot

Survival in Doubt

The intelligence sources have not yet clarified if the commander survived the attack.

“Whether he survived or not is being clarified by the intelligence service.” the GUR Ukrainian military intelligence agency said.

The incident shows how vulnerable the Russian forces have become since the invasion of Ukraine.

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