World Leaders Failing to Uphold Human Rights, Report Says

A world-leading human rights organization report has suggested that world leaders have failed to uphold human rights globally.

In its annual report, the Human Rights Watch has warned about escalating human rights abuses around the world, with world leaders directly complicit in it.

Leaders Disregard For Law

The report highlights political leaders’ increasing disregard for international human rights laws.

“There is a persistent assault on human rights spreading around the world as governments turn away from their legal obligations”, Tirana Hassan, executive director of HRW, mentioned in the report.

The report also accuses world leaders of “selective government outrage” regarding specific issues they see as problematic in other countries.

Double Standards

The report said there is also a worrying trend of double standards, with complicit governments accusing each other of committing crimes.

The report has criticized the US, Saudi Arabia, India, Russia, China, Egypt, Vietnam, and the United Kingdom for failing to uphold human rights.

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