Scientists Discovers Antibiotic That Kills Drug-Resistant Bacteria

Scientists have discovered a new antibiotic that can kill drug-resistant bacteria.

The new antibiotic can kill one of the three major bacteria that can cause the greatest threat to humans.

The bacteria known as Carbapenem-resistant Acinetobacter baumannii or Crab was successfully dealt with in the experiments by Zosurabalpin.

Crab was successfully dealt with in the experiments by Zosurabalpin.

Crab is Critical Pathogen

According to the World Health Organization guidelines, Crab is considered as a priority 1 critical pathogen.

Crab has two other types of drug-resistant pathogens that are highly dangerous for humans, namely Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Enterobacteriaceae.

“Crab is a significant cause of infection in hospitals, particularly in people who are on ventilators,” a senior lecturer of microral biology said, quoted by The Guardian. 

Drug Tested in Human Trials

The drug was tested on humans and proved to be a success. Scientists said the discovery will enhance the ability of the scientific community to counter one of the most significant threats to human life.

Zosurabalpin will lay foundations for our future efforts, one scientist said.

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