A British Boy Missing Since 2017 Found in France

A British boy missing for six years has been found in France.

Alex Batty, missing since 2017, was found in the town of Revel early on Wednesday.

The local journalists said the boy was spotted by a delivery man walking by the side of a road with a backpack and skateboard.

Alex’s Guardians Remain Wanted

The Police are searching for the guardians of Alex, who had been taking care of him in France.

Media reports suggest that Alex’s guardians, his mother and his grandfather, do not have parental guardianship.

Both individuals remain wanted for connection to Alex’s mysterious disappearance.

Alex To Be Deported Back

The BBC report said Alex will be deported back to England when the British Police and consular staff arrive.

The Police noted Alex was living with his mother and grandfather in the foothills of the Pyrenees, a remote region.

The region is famous for people wishing to change their lifestyles in secret.

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