Protestor Sets Himself on Fire Outside Israeli Consulate in US

A protester was critically injured when he set himself on fire outside the Israeli consulate in the US state of Georgia.

The protester was immediately transferred to a nearby hospital after the intervention of police.

The police called the incident “an act of extreme political protest”.

No Threat To Public

The police initiated an investigation and concluded that there was no threat to the public.

The law enforcement officials said the incident had nothing to do with terrorism.

Atlanta Police Chief Darin Schierbaum said the nearby buildings remain safe, and there was no threat involved.

At least one police official was injured while attempting to put the fire off.

Israeli Consulate Responds

The Israeli consulate said it was shocked to hear about the terrible incident outside the building. “

It is tragic to see the hate and incitement toward Israel expressed in such a horrific way,” the consul general Anat Sultan-Dadon said.

She said their prayers are with the security officer who was injured.

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