South Korea To Ban Dog Meat Consumption By 2027

A Reuters report said South Korea has announced it will ban dog meat consumption by 2027.

The decision will take time to implement as the ancient custom wouldn’t go away from a society that easily.

The policy chief of the ruling party said the old tradition has to go amid rising awareness about animal rights.

Ruling Party To Introduce Act

The ruling political party, the People Power Party, suggested a ban on consuming dog meat by introducing an act.

The bill will be introduced this year to enforce a ban, with all-out support from political actors in the country.

“It is time to put an end to social conflicts and controversies around dog meat consumption, ” the People Power Party policy chief, Yu Eui-dong, said.

Previous Attempts Have Failed

Previous attempts to ban consuming dog meat have failed after furious opposition from the public.

Reuters said those involved in the dog industry have opposed the bill as it threatens the livelihoods of farmers and restaurant owners.

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