Jackman ‘Wolverine’ And Deb Separates After 27 Years

Hugh Jackman, the Wolverine, and his wife Deborra-lee separated from each other after spending 27 years in marriage.

The celebrity magazine People said the couple announced to separate after three decades of ‘blessed’ time together.

Journey Shifts Towards Individual Growth

The statement signed by Deb and Jackman concluded that they were parting to pursue their individual growth.

Fans couldn’t comprehend what the statement meant but respected the couple’s right to privacy. The joint statement said the family has been and will always remain their highest priority.

Jackman & Deb’s Life

Hugh Jackman and Deborra-lee met and fell in love in 1995 and married in less than a year.

The 67-year-old actress was already an established actress and was described by Jackman as “big star” when he was a fresh actor. After their marriage, the couple adopted 2 kids who are now 23 and 18.

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