Joe Biden To Ban Oil Drilling on 10M Acres in Alaska

The US President Joe Biden has imposed a ban on new drilling initiatives and canceled already existing oil leases sold by the previous administration. Biden invoked all the leases and argued that he was aiming to preserve the natural beauty of the region.

Preserving The Nature

The Biden administration’s move to ban oil drilling activities in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge will certainly regenerate the natural beauty of the region. The President also announced to protect more than 13 million acres in the Western Arctic under the pretext of land and wildlife conservation.

Is The Ban Politically Motivated?

Some experts argue that the decision to ban oil drilling has a political angle. Oil giants in the region have a history of supporting the republican candidates pouring millions of dollars in their political campaigns. Fossil fuel giants pumped $100m into republican presidential candidates in 2015, according to The Guardian report.  

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