Astronomers Explain Why Neptune Clouds Are Vanishing!

In a new groundbreaking study, astronomers have revealed that Neptune is losing its clouds. The clouds, once abundant on the planet, have started disappearing since 2019 and scientists now know why. After 3 decades of thorough observation from 1994 to 2022, the research revealed that the entire planet has lost chunks of its cloud base except its South Pole.

Why Is Neptune Losing Clouds?

In the study published in the journal Icarus, scientists observed that heightened ultraviolet (UV) emissions from the sun correspond to an increased presence of clouds on Neptune approximately two years after the increase in UV activity.

This connection between the solar cycle and Neptune’s cloud formation patterns was established through an examination of 2.5 cycles of cloud behavior, spanning almost thirty years of observational data.

UV Light Also Reduces Neptune Brightness

Scientists said the increased activity on the sun can also reduce the brightness of the Neptune planet by producing more clouds and haze. The study suggested more research to examine the phenomenon.

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