Harvard & MIT Scientists Introduce Chemical To Reverse Aging

Researchers from Harvard Medical School and MIT were able to find chemicals which can effectively reverse the aging process of cells. Researchers said the new technique could replace the traditional gene therapies and prove to be more effective in terms of age reversal.

Reversing Age

According to the study published in the scientific journal Aging, a blend of six different chemicals that could potentially treat age-related diseases and develop medicines to promote tissue regeneration. Molecular biologist and co-author of the study, Dr. David Sinclair, said they could start trials on humans in the next year.

Youth Pill

The team employed high-throughput assays to distinguish between young and senescent cells. By screening thousands to millions of samples, they rapidly assessed biological activity at various levels. They utilized transcription-based aging clocks and a nucleocytoplasmic protein compartmentalization (NCC) assay as markers for aging. This comprehensive strategy led to the discovery of six chemical mixtures that rejuvenated cellular functions and reversed transcriptomic age in less than a week.

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