July 6, 2023

Texas Man Falsely Reported Missing For 8 Years Finally Found

A Texas man who was reported missing by his mother was finally found near southeast Houston church, Texas. The police received a call from someone who told them about a person lying near the church, on arrival the police found Rudy Farias, reported missing in 2015.

France Passes Law To Allow Police Spy Through Phones

French lawmakers passed a law to allow police to remotely spy on suspects by activating their phones, laptops, microphones and GPS. The Justice reform bill, passed by the senate last month, covers a wide range of topics and giving police the right to spy on crime suspects is one of the provisions.

Brain Dead Man Wakes Up Just Before Life Support Shutdown

A man who was declared brain dead by the doctors suddenly woke up moments before his life support was about to be turned off. James Howard-Jones was accidently hit on the back by one of his friends named Ben Davies, due to which James fell on the ground and hit its head. After some surgeries, Doctors told his family that he was brain dead, and the good thing would be to just let him die.