Psychologists Says Watching True Crime is A ‘Big Red Flag’

Watching documentaries of serial killers and how they went about their lives may seem interesting, but psychologists have a different take on it. Psychologist Meredith Fuller said watching crime can do significant harm to a human’s brain as the horrors of watching crime can seep in personality which can make people more violent and less merciful.

True Crime, A Major Red Flag

Watching brutal and violent scenes are not just exclusive to our personalities but rather they take over our behavior and perceptions, psychologist Meredith Fuller said. She further said watching true crime can creep into our consciousness, subconscious and even dreams and that is when you know you’ve gone too far.

Psychologists Argues That Watching The Jeffrey Dahmer Story is A Big Red Flag

Watching Crime Dramas to Relax

Another massive red flag is watching crime movies and dramas to relax, professor of psychology at Pepperdine University, Dr Thema Bryant said. She said watching violent dramas before going to bed can make the trauma more familiar and “then I would encourage you to think about ‘why is trauma relaxing to me?”, she said.

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