Billions across the earth may not feel it, but June 21 is the longest day for those who live above the equator in the Northern Hemisphere. The day marks a tradition for many cultures that goes back 5,000 years in human history.
The Summer Solstice
So what goes behind this astronomical event known as “the summer solstice” and what constitutes the basis of it?. As this article mentioned before, it’s an astronomical event when the Earth’s axis tilts by about 23.5 degrees towards the sun, relative to its orbital plane. This is the time when the sun is at its highest position in the sky.

Thousands Gather at Stonehenge
Around 10,000 people gathered at the monument ofStonehenge in England to welcome the summer solstice. The monument which symbolizes Britain’s semi-mythical prehistoric period attracts thousands of visitors from around the world to witness the sunrise aligned with the stones.