UK Minister Apologizes for Covid Lockdown Party Video

A video has emerged where UK conservative minister was seen partying and drinking at the 2020 Christmas party at the UK Conservative Party headquarters. Michael Gove, Britain’s Secretary of State has apologized for partying with many others despite strict regulations due to the Covid-19 pandemic.

Jingle and Mingle

According to the BBC, around thirty people were invited to the “jingle and mingle” party that took place at the Conservative Party’s headquarters. The then ruling conservative party have said they have disciplined four over the video without providing details who they were.

Completely Out of Order

Michael Gove apologized to the public over the video and said it should have never happened. When asked about the video in an interview with Sky News, the minister said “It’s terrible, I think it’s completely out of order”. The Liberal Democrat deputy leader Daisy Cooper said those at the party should be ashamed of themselves as they should have been the first to abide by the rules they made for the public.

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