Teen Wins $50,000 For Topnotch Suicide Prevention Project

A teenager Natasha Kulviwat won $50,000 at the Regeneron International Science and Engineering Fair for her project where she studied brains of those who committed suicide. The 16-year-old spent around 6 months in a laboratory at Columbia University where she studied the brain tissues to investigate if there was something measurable in the brain to explain the phenomenon.

Brain Tissues of Indivuals Who Died By Suicide & Those Who Died Via Other Causes

Kulviwat Found 4 Differences

Kulviwat identified four biomarkers in the brains of those who died by suicide. The suicide brains had higher concentration of  inflammatory cytokines which are released as a result of body’s natural response to pathogens. The cytokines are also released in the absence of threats during excessive stress which can cause further inflammation.

The Claudin-5

The inflation in the brains restricted the function of  claudin-5 protein which plays an important role in regulating the passage of substances from blood to brain. Kulviwat’s project concluded that the elevated levels of claudin-5 can cause toxicity and can interfere with the decisions a human being makes.

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