Woman Declared Dead by Doctors Suddenly Woke Up in Ecuador

Relatives of the dead woman were shocked to see that the woman they were about to bury suddenly started knocking the coffin from inside. This happened in Ecuador where a 76-year-old woman named Bella Montoya was announced dead at the hospital, but she suddenly woke up just before the funeral.

Death Certificate Was Issued

As soon as the relatives heard the strange noise coming from inside the coffin, they rushed her to the hospital immediately. Ms Montoya was admitted to the hospital on Friday when she suffered a cardiac arrest. She was declared dead by the doctor as she couldn’t respond to the resuscitation and remained unconscious for hours. The hospital even handed over the identity documents and death certificate as she was taken back to the funeral home.

Health Ministry Started Investigation

The Health Ministry of Ecuador has said they are investigating the doctors involved in the case. The government has formed a technical committee to look into the matter and review on what grounds the hospitals issue death certificates.

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