Deadly Triple Train Collision Kills 300 in India

A devastating train collision has killed at least 300 people with more than 1,000 injured in the Indian state of Odisha. Three trains, two passenger trains and a freight train, collided with each other, according to eyewitnesses. A massive search and rescue operation is currently underway to locate and rescue the survivors.

Deadliest Incident in 20 years

The train collision occurred when a passenger train derailed and was hit by an incoming train which later struck a freight train nearby. The death toll is expected to climb further in the deadliest train collision in the last 20 years. Odisha’s state secretary immediately sent more than 200 ambulances and health care workers to provide first aid and reduce the fatalities.

Cause Unknown

An investigation into the train collision has been launched by the Indian authorities immediately as no one knows for sure what caused the incident. The education minister said there might be some technical issues with the first train as it derailed and hit the other trains.

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