Meteor Creates Fireball In The Skies Of Northeast Australia

Queenslanders were excited to witness a meteor that hovered over their skies, causing a huge sound which vanished behind mountains. The moment caught on smartphones, dash cams and security cameras showed a fireball exploding and lightening the skies with green and orange lights.

Meteor Was Traveling At 150,000km/h

Scientists at once took to the media outlets and expressed their views about the features of the meteor. Dr Brad Tucker, an astrophysicist, said that the meteor was approximately between 0.5 and 1 meter in size, traveling at a speed of 150,000km/h. Expressing his concerns about the  color of the meteor, he said that the green and orange color could be caused by overheating of iron and nickel.

No Crater

Due to the atmospheric friction, the meteor is unlikely to have left a crater on the surface, Dr Tucker said. As per the media reports, there were no casualties as the meteor fell into an uninhabited region. Another Astrophysicist Professor Tamara Davis said that the meteor was bigger than usual as the cameras could catch the impact clearly.

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