One Of The Oldest Lions Speared To Death By Angry Herders

The lion, believed to be one of the oldest ones, has been killed by angry herders in Kenya. The lion, named Loonkiito, was killed when he accidently roamed too close to livestock, the Kenya Wildlife Service (KWS) spokesman said.

Loonkiito Was 19

The 19-year-old Loonkiito already had health issues and was distracted, otherwise lions would find their prey in the wild, the spokesman further elaborated. Loonkiito lived in the Amboseli National Park in Kenya, but he took the livestock ‘in desperation’ as he couldn’t find the prey in the wild, the statement by Lion Guardians said.

Symbol of Resilience & Coexistence

An instagram post by the Lion Guardians organization stated that it is with great sorrow that they announce the unfortunate demise of Loonkiito  “the oldest male lion in our ecosystem and possibly in Africa”. He was the symbol of resilience and coexistence, the post mentioned.

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