North Korea Tested Underwater Nuclear Drone

North Korea has successfully tested an underwater drone capable of carrying nuclear weapons. The new weapon tested in the waters off South Hamgyong province has the capability to cause a “radioactive tsunami”, a tsunami coupled with unleashing radioactive substances.

Nuclear Armed Drone

The new “secret weapon” is a nuclear armed drone which has taken the US allied neighbors, like Japan and South Korea, by surprise. The development shows to what extent North Korea can go to develop a huge stockpile of conventional and nuclear weapons, threatening peaceful neighbors. The nuclear capable drone cruised in the ocean at a depth of 80 to 150 meters detonating a conventional payload after 59 hours, the North Korean state media reported. 

What To Expect?

As tensions between North Korea and the US skyrockets, analysts believe that things can get out of control, if not controlled through diplomacy and dialogue. The US is constantly conducting military drills with South Korea in order to prevent any large-scale invasion. 

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