Mini-Drones Attacked Iran’s Defence Factory

The Iranian defence factory came under attack by drone strikes in the city of Isfahan, located 440 kilometres south of the Iranian capital. Drones equipped with small warheads attacked an Iranian defence facility in Isfahan city during the night causing minor damage to the facility’s infrastructure, according to authorities.

Ground Reality Contradicts Iranian Claim

So far, Iran has repeatedly said that the drone strikes did a little damage to the rooftop where the drone hit. According to an Iranian defence ministry statement, two out of the three drones were reportedly shot down and the third one hit its target. But videos circulating on social media show multiple blasts at Hamedan, Isfahan and Karaj.

Exact moment when drone factory’s rooftop

Who Is To Blame?

The Iranian authorities have not provided any information about the attack. In July, 2022, Iranian authorities arrested a team of Kurdish militants on a mission to blow up the Iranian defence industry center in Isfahan. Iran believed that the militants were working on behalf of Israel. Keeping the geopolitical situation in mind, Iran is likely to blame Israel for the recent attack.

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