Two Military Airfields Reported Explosions Inside Russia

Two prominent airfields reported explosions, inside Russian cities of Ryazan and Saratov. Military airfields were hit by massive explosions that shook the nearby regions. The city of Ryazan is located in the southeast of Moscow and the city of Saratov is in southwestern Russia. People are already blaming Ukraine for the recent explosions but the investigation has not yet reached a conclusion.

Deep Inside Russian Territory

One huge explosion was reported by Russian official media to have taken place at an airfield outside Ryazan, southeast of Moscow. In contrast, another explosion happened at a Russian military aviation base in the Saratov region, roughly 600 kilometers east of Ukraine. There is no verified information regarding what caused the explosion in the Ryazan region.

Strategic Military Airbases

Both bases are reported to have immense importance as the Russian air force is using them to carry out airstrikes in Ukraine. According to Russian state media, the air base in Saratov was hit by an unidentified drone, and two long-range Tu-95 bombers were damaged.

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