Ukraine To Join NATO After Putin Officially Seized Ukrainian Land

The Ukrainian President, Volodymyr Zelensky has signed an application to join NATO after Putin announced Russian rule over more than 15% of Ukrainian territory. Putin told the land grab in a ceremony held in Moscow where he celebrated the annexation of four Ukrainian provinces. The news was answered with condemnations from the West and the UN calling it ‘Illegal’.

Zelensky Disregards The Ceremony

Zelensky rejected Putin’s annexation of the Ukrainian territory and promised to take back the entire Ukrainian territory. “The whole of Ukraine will be liberated from this enemy,” he said in a message.

Russia Vetoes UNSC Resolution

A United Nations Security Council resolution introduced by the United States and Albania condemning the Russian annexation of the Ukrainian territory was vetoed by Russia and abstained by China. Ukraine joining NATO will be a decisive victory for Ukraine as it has been willing to join NATO for more than a decade.

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