Walmart App Now Lets You Try Clothes Virtually

Walmart (NYSE: WMT) recently released an update to their mobile app, which lets you try out clothes right from the comfort of your home. Walmart is coining the term “Virtual Try-On”

Walmart had announced its intention to acquire “Zeekit“, which is a “Virtual Reality” application that lets you see 3D objects placed in your surrounding. After the acquisition, Walmart integrated this feature on their existing Walmart app.

ZeeKit’s Mobile App

To use this feature, you just need to download Walmart’s app from the app store or simply update it if you already have one. You will need an account to log in, after that, you will be asked to place to phone little further away while standing up.

Walmart Struggles To Make It’s Mark

In the year 2000, When every other company was trying to go “online”, Walmart did not think that online shopping would catch up, so they did not invest heavily in their online stores. The marketers at Walmart assumed that people would never buy clothes and items without actually looking at it in person, but they were wrong.

Walmart is currently trying to play catchup to make their mark on online shopping.

Demo Of Virtual Try-On Technology

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