Everything About iMessage’s Edit & Unsend Message Feature

Apple released its newest operating system, iOS 16, which allows users to edit & unsend their iMessage. Sent messages can be edited up to 5 times within 15 minutes & a message can be unsent within 2 minutes of sending it.

Keep in mind that, this feature works perfectly only if both parties have iOS 16, & does not work with Android or when sending a regular SMS. A regular SMS cannot be unsent or edited after it’s sent. Unless you are very fast to get on airplane mode after sending it.

How Does Edit & Unsend iMessage Works?

The iOS message edit and unsend feature works by allowing users to edit and delete messages that they have sent. Yo will tap your message and keep holding it till you see an option to edit or unsend. This feature is especially useful for those who want to avoid sending embarrassing or inappropriate messages.

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