US Intelligence Says Israel is Planning To Bomb Iran Nuclear Sites

Israel mulling strikes on Iran

Is the Middle East about to heat up—again?

US. intelligence seems to think so. Whispers from Washington suggest Israel might be gearing up to bomb Iran’s nuclear sites before summer vacation season kicks in.

Why? To stop Tehran from cooking up a nuclear weapon.
Sounds like an action movie plot, right?

Except it’s real, and the stakes are nuclear-high.

Reports say Israel’s eyeing Iran’s Fordow and Natanz facilities—the big players in uranium enrichment.

An Israeli airstrike last October rattled Iran’s defenses, leaving them looking a little vulnerable.

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Now, some in Tel Aviv are thinking, “Why not finish the job?”
The catch?

Such a strike would probably need US backup—intel, air support, and probably a few tankers for in-flight refueling.

Trump, never one to shy from tough talk, told Fox News he’d rather strike a deal with Iran than “bomb the hell out of them.”

But he also made it clear: “Iran’s not getting a nuke. Period.”

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