Gold Smuggling Hits New Heights, Or Should We Say Depths?

It’s a scenario that leaves most of us scratching our heads.

How does someone manage to hide nearly a kilo of gold in such an, shall we say, unconventional place?

This was the audacious move pulled off by an Air India Express flight attendant, 26-year-old Surabhi Khatun.

Khatun managed to conceal 960 grams of gold internally during a flight from Muscat to Kannur, India.

Surabhi Khatun 

Her attempt to smuggle the precious metal didn’t quite pan out, as her suspicious behavior caught the attention of customs officials.

Khatun Refused X-Ray

When Khatun refused an X-ray at Kannur International Airport, authorities obtained a magistrate’s order for a medical examination.

The results? Gold in a compound form worth $89,000 was discovered.

Khatun’s arrest marked the first time an airline crew member was caught in such a smuggling scheme, although it wasn’t her first attempt.

The incident comes amid skyrocketing demands for gold and people willing to risk it all for lucrative profits.

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