Reporter Testing Knife-Proof Vest Gets Accidently Stabbed in The Back

What was meant to be a routine product demonstration turned into a painful reality check for Israeli journalist Eitam Lachover.

While showcasing a so-called “knife-proof” vest on live TV, he ended up being stabbed by the very product meant to protect him.

Moment Was Caught on Camera

During a 2016 segment for Israel’s Channel 1, Yaniv Montakyo was confident about the vest’s strength.

He, the vice president of the manufacturing company, held a commando knife and assured Lachover there was nothing to worry about.

But as he drove the knife into the vest four times, disaster struck—the fourth attempt pierced an unprotected section, leaving the journalist with a cut that required stitches.

“I missed,” Montakyo admitted, moments after realizing the knife had gone through.

The knife pierced the vest on the fourth attempt, according to the video.

Journalist Was Discharged Quickly

Despite the mishap, the segment still aired on TV and Lachover later reassured viewers that he was discharged from the hospital with just a “superficial puncture.”

The knife-proof vest was made for IDF as a protection against potential terrorist attacks using knives. 

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