New Study Reveals How Much Life A Person Loses From Regularly Smoking

Experts are urging smokers to ditch the habit once and for all.

Most of us know smoking is harmful, but new research lays bare just how much life is lost to those small, rolled sticks of tobacco. 

A new report published in the Journal of Addiction reveals the exact amount of time a smoker loses when or she smokes one or multiple cigarettes. 

The report was published in the Journal of Addiction.

What Does The Report Say?

Dr. Sarah Jackson from UCL’s alcohol and tobacco research group put it bluntly.

“Smokers who don’t quit lose about a decade of life—that’s 10 years of memories, milestones, and moments with loved ones,” she said in the research.

Single cigarette takes 20 minutes off life expectancy

Every Cigarette Costs Life 20 Minutes

The study found that every cigarette costs about 20 minutes of life.

For a pack-a-day smoker, that’s nearly seven hours gone in just one day.

Researchers did mention that quitting smoking can reverse the negative effects in just seven days.

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