World Reacts To Venezuela’s Controversial Election Results

World leaders with the majority of them expressing serious concern, have reacted to Venezuela’s recent election results.

The US, the EU and South American countries have condemned the electoral violations that had taken place during the election with leaders of the ruling and opposition parties declared victorious. 

World Leaders React

Starting with the Russian Federation whose President Vladamir Putin expressed hope to work closely with the Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro who declared a controversial victory.

The US Secretary of State Anthon Blinken said that the US was seriously concerned about the election results in Venezuela.

The Brazilian government, Cuba, Honduras, Bolivia and Nicaragua congratulated Maduro for winning the election.

Meanwhile, protests have erupted in the country’s capital, Caracas, denouncing the election results which they term as “sham”.

The New York Times reported that the Venezuelan government had kicked out the diplomatic missions of seven Latin American countries that dared to condemn the official electoral results.

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