Former CIA Official Sue Mi Terry Charged With Spying For South Korea

A former Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) analyst and a the White House national security council member has been charged with spying for South Korea.

According to an indictment made public from Manhattan federal court,  Sue Mi Terry failed to register as a foreign agent while working for South Korean intelligence. 

What Did Terry Do?

According to the indictment, MS. Terry provided classified information to the South Korean intelligence officials in return for luxury items. Ms. Terry also facilitated meetings.

The FBI alleges that the alleged suspect provided hand-written off the record meeting information which included the US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken to the foreign intelligence.

Terry Received Funding

Ms. Terry also received $37,000 worth of covert findings to run a public policy program on South Korean affairs, the court documents alleged.

Terry’s lawyer on the other hand rejected the charges and said she did a great service to the American people and she always criticized the South Korean government’s policies.

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