Lioness On Loose in German Capital Causes Fear Among Public

Residents in western Berlin were warned to stay indoors as police were searching for lioness on the loose. Berlin police received calls and videos from the residents complaining about wild animal roaming on the streets in the south-western outskirts of Berlin. The Brandenburg Police Department immediately dispatched 30 police vehicles along to help locate the big cat.

Citizens Asked To Stay Indoors

The city administration asked the public to stay indoors to avoid confronting the wild animal while the police worked to take the situation under control. The police verified the videos and images they received from the public, to avoid any unnecessary fear, the police spokesman Daniel Keip said. 

Where The Lioness Came From?

The local administration and police couldn’t verify where the lioness came from. The Brandenburg police said they reached out to nearby zoos, animal parks and circuses but there were no missing animals. Helicopters and drones with heat-seeking cameras were deployed to find the animal, regional Mayor Michael Grubert said.

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